Are You Addicted to struggle?

Ever been in a situation where what you need to do that day feels like really hard work. An uphill battle, filled with procrastination, mental stress and substandard results?

I’m guessing we’ve all been there. Those situations where it feels like a real struggle to complete what we need to complete. 

It’s that presentation which needs to be finished which is taking way longer than it needs to… that creative writing project that needs to be finalized and the words won’t flow… that admin task which is on your list, and you feel completely uninspired to complete it.

It’s when we’re operating from a place of struggle NOT a place of alignment.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently when it comes to my business as I recognize how much more productive I am when I feel aligned to complete the task at hand, versus when I’m working on things JUST because they are on my to-do list.

When we’re in a place of struggle everything takes waaaaay longer than it should. It’s easy to get distracted. Easy to get frustrated. Easy to fall prey to our favourite procrastination techniques.  

But when we’re in alignment?

Well, everything feels light and easy. We’re excited. We’re inspired. We have way more energy and we’re much more creative.

Right now, I’m trying to operate my business from a place of ALIGNMENT. Trying to minimize the time I spend on tasks by only doing things I feel ALIGNED to do. Now sometimes that isn’t possible as I have deadlines and work that needs to be completed within a timeframe, but I’m consciously choosing to TUNE IN each day and see where my energy is so I can make choices about what I will work on depending on how inspired I feel for the task at hand - rather than just working on things unconsciously.

And what am I noticing? 

I’m noticing a big difference in how much space I can create if I only work on things where I feel aligned. And the quality of what I produce is exponentially better.

It sounds obvious, but most of us don’t check in and consider that becoming aware of our alignment should be a necessary prerequisite to determining how we spend our days.

If you find things in your life are taking way longer than they should, then let this post be an invitation to try a more aligned approach.

Here are some steps to get you started:

Create some space for yourself 

Before you get stuck into your day, sit somewhere you are comfortable and won’t be disturbed for a few minutes.

What needs your attention

Consider all of the things which need your attention for the day/week ahead. Write them down so you can see them visually.

 Alignment check-in

Look at each item. Tune in and notice how you feel. Is there a contraction when you review them? Or do you feel light and inspired? Often we forget we’re not walking heads – so tune into the body. What is your body telling you it feels excited to work on. 

Follow the energy

Notice where your energy wants to be spent for the day ahead. Make a commitment to what you’re going to work on and take action!


This is something which needs to be done daily, as we can’t predict how we’ll feel even for the day ahead. Making a conscious choice that as far as possible, I will ONLY work on things I feel in alignment with has been a game changer for me and my business. So try it and give it a go – I’d love to hear how you get on!



Helena Day