Raising your vibrational energy

Quantum Physics tells us that everything vibrates. Your body is composed of energy-producing particles, each of which is in constant motion, and your thoughts are cosmic waves filled with potent energy.

Like everything and everyone else in the universe, you are vibrating and creating energy. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. 

The worlds of science and spirituality are converging around their understanding of energy fields and the body, and there is now a growing body of evidence to support the fact that we can influence these energies and vibrations for our own wellbeing.

So let’s talk about vibrations

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

Vibrations are a kind of rhythm. They can happen on a macro scale like the moon orbiting, tidal patterns or seasonal changes but they also happen within your body.

There are many rhythms within the body, some of the easiest to measure are our heartbeat, breathing rate and circadian rhythm.

There are also much smaller vibrations happening within each cell in your body. These vibrations generate electromagnetic energy waves. 

Science shows us that different parts of our bodies (our different organs etc) each have their own individual vibration. 

Thoughts and vibrations

As humans we think a lot of thoughts. A 2020 study from psychology researchers at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario reported that the average human has about 6,200 thoughts per day.

Researchers have known for a long time that our thoughts and behaviours impact the rhythm/vibration in our bodies.

Whether we’re aware of it or not, our thoughts and belief patterns are creating very real and specific vibrations all the time. These vibratory rates are different whether we’re having angry and frustrated thoughts, or happy and joyful thoughts.

Anxious thoughts release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline which stimulate our heart rate and breathing rates. We’ve all been there – that anxious thought when we feel our heart pumping and our breathing becomes quick and shallow.

What are the benefits of working with vibrational energy?

There are many mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits to understanding and working with vibrational energy which include:

  • altering your mood

  • helping you achieve your goals and intentions

  • increasing your power of creation and manifestation

Experts on vibrational energy have measured emotions and thought patterns to conclude that emotions such as joy, peace, and acceptance, create high frequency vibrations, while other feelings and mindsets (such as anger, despair and fear) vibrate at a lower rate.

The reality is that the average person will have about 5000 negative thoughts per day and almost 6000 repeated thoughts from previous days. 

I’m not suggesting by the way – that when we feel something contrary to happiness that we shouldn’t feel it. It’s actually the opposite. Science has also shown that big feeling moves through our body and is released within 90 seconds. So when something happens to us that triggers us, the initial tumult of emotion is over and gone within a minute or two. So feel it and then flush it.

How can I change my vibrational energy?

There are many ways to begin to work with your vibrational energy. 

Breath work

Whether you follow the Wim Hof approach or any other of the other many breathwork techniques out there, working with the breath is a superb way to realign your vibrational energy, Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is a quick way to slow down your heart rate and relax the body & mind.


There are no so many studies that talk about the benefits of meditation. Vibrations produced during the rhythmic chanting of the syllable “om” have also been shown to temporarily deactivate the amygdala and downregulate stress arousal.


Practising gratitude is a great way to intentionally elevate your vibrational state. To do this, tune into what’s good in your life and focus on the feelings that these thoughts generate. You’ll bring yourself right up the emotional vibrational scale.

Being in Nature

Think about how you feel when you’re in the mountains, or walking in a beautiful forest or park. Being out in nature reduces stress, is restorative for the wellbeing of the body and mind.

Walking barefoot on the earth

Research shows that when you walk barefoot on the earth your body picks up free ions from earth's surface that act as antioxidants in your system helping improve sleep, reduce pain, decrease muscle tension and lower stress.


Any exercise can be useful in raising your frequency vibration, but yoga is especially helpful because it is a combination of exercise and meditation.


The warm feeling of being heard, emotionally understood or physically embraced by another human, is so important in maintaining our overall emotional and physical health. In fact, dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer. 

It’s important to note that you don’t need to do each and every one of the above in order to create impact in your life. You may find that some resonate more strongly than others and this may change over a lifetime – as we change as individuals, our needs change too. 

The key is awareness and tuning inwards to become more aware of what you are feeling and what your thoughts and belief patterns are so that you can know when one of the above techniques will be beneficial for you, to allow you to feel as you want to each and every day.

Helena Day