What’s in your closet?


For so many of us fear of rejection haunts our relationships with others and our very relationship with ourselves. We hold a belief that if we have the perfect exterior we won’t be judged and criticised by others. And if we aren’t judged and criticised we will be connected, loved, accepted.. (fill in your own blank). We post the best photos of ourselves on social media and reply with the obligatory ‘fine thanks’ when people ask us how we are, when in fact we’ve had a sleepless night, an argument with a partner and are wearing some of our daughters morning porridge on our shirt.

We can’t bear that other people see our flaws as that might mean they judge us and we’re found lacking in some way. These ‘imperfections’ are shameful and so we hide them away in a closet that no-one can see. They become our shadow (more to come on our shadow in another blog post).

In this video Jay Shetty, a former monk and motivational speaker does a brilliant job of shining the light on a much healthier way for us to show up in the world.